Monday, September 5, 2011

Thought Police

The original concept called for
a telescreen in every home, a TV
that could watch you back.

On the other end, a panel
of experts clinically trained to
inspect your every move: how
you like your eggs; which
way you part your hair; what
shoe you slip on first. They
would know—

This concept far overreached.

A much simpler interface
was instituted where
you volunteer your
#thoughts and #rethoughts
140 characters at a time.


Nooshin Zardinejad said...

Nice work! Brentanamus. I really like the trajectory of "surveillance."

Edward Yoo said...

This is gold. I love it. It's witty, I dig the parallels, and it speaks truth. Delicious stuff!

Sometimes I wonder about the popularity of Twitter though. Based on the last few years of classes I've taught, only a sparse number of college students Tweet. Iono...

Chris Andrews said...
