Monday, August 22, 2011

The Whole Rest

I play your music.

My fingers stick to piano keys.

Too many eighth notes.

Too many pauses with your deep

breaths preceding and following between the two-and-one-eighth beats

per measure that are really two-and-one-eighth beats

plus an eighth rest that equals





I want to rest a whole rest: four quarter beats. . .

not an eighth rest,

not a half rest,

not even a long pause.

But the whole rest.

Yes, the whole rest.

Yet your notes string me along,

and I play

your music while I look for the rest.

The whole rest.


Brent Vogelman said...

Nice metaphor. I like the repetition of "the whole rest." It makes the poem rather kinetic and almost gives the poem a breathing feel as it's spaced throughout the poem. Even the word "whole" makes you take a breath as you say it. This is probably my favorite of the poems you've posted here. Good stuff!

Edward Yoo said...

I absolutely love this poem! Like Brent, I agree it's definitely the most striking of your posts. There's a powerful rhythm to it all, and I get a tragic message about intimacy and holding on to the routine and what's established. The musical metaphor enhances this theme.