Monday, January 24, 2011

the truth

We busy ourselves
with little things.
the dishes always piling
in the sink.
The clothes need folding
(they always need folding)
and the truth hovers acrid
as the smell of last night's
burnt lasagna.

We float around
talking small
until the sadness overwhelms,
the anger whirls inside
and we hurtle blame
around the room.
It shatters against the walls
like dinner plates
and falls unheard.
God's not taking responsibility
for this one.


Chris Andrews said...

So I've got some family health issues going on and I probably won't be able to post for the next week or so. I will try, but I am letting you know in advance. It's actually proving to be inspirational.

Brent Vogelman said...

I hope everything okay and nothing's too serious. Take all the time you need. I'll try to keep this blog alive as best I can. I wish you all the best.

BTW, the blame thrown and shattered like plates is a brilliant image and you will definitely be missed.