Wednesday, January 12, 2011


According to
Hemingway, all American
literature is a footnote
to Huck Finn—
but Twain is dead—
and somewhere, down
south, the "nigger" Jim
is a "slave"

Soon, Holden will
be happy; Lenny will
be smart. They'll fix
my enjambment and
that should tame
the art.


Chris Andrews said...

Thanks again for keeping this going in the absence of my creativity. This idea is insane to me. The fact that we can effectively change the past in the guise of correctness. I like how you made the poem rhyme. It's a fairly effortless rhyme too. I guess by this rationale 1984 will have a happy ending in the future and they'll change the war in Catch-22 to a couhty fair. despicable.