Monday, December 13, 2010

Washed up

We washed ashore from our ship-
wreck at sea and, out
of breath, we glared into the
horizon at where it
all fell

The storm flashed in the
distance, yet we kept
our course and sailed in-
to its heart. Wave after wave
rocked us, each swing building
momentum, until we
tipped, cap-
sizing what we knew to
the cemetery of
the deep.

The tide shrugged its
shoulders at our plight and
we did what came natural—fighting
the currents; hanging
on the wreckage; resisting
the drowning.

We closed our eyes
and when we awoke,
the beach had our backs. Now,
the sand clings to
our clothing like the aftermath
of a fight, but we're still


Brent Vogelman said...

I probably should have let you know, but I was sick as a dog last week and had no energy to write. I plan on writing everyday this week and I'll comment on last weeks stuff tomorrow.

Chris Andrews said...

First of all. I'm glad you're feeling better. I think the things that stand out the most for me here are how the tide shrugged its shoulders. That's such an awesome line and really invokes the worldly smallness of the daily "plights" that we all have. Also, I like how you finish the first and last stanza with the word "apart" emphasizing the fact that through all of this nonsense the two people still ended up apart.