Tuesday, October 26, 2010


When my step-dad was fed up,
He told me to play in traffic.
I could never muster the courage.
But now I sit in it everyday.
It's less thrilling and dangerous
Than I had previously thought.

I took hikes;
I flew kites
On his advice.
None proved too fulfilling.

When I had brought him to his wit's end,
He handed me a shovel
And suggested I dig to China.
I checked.
Straight through the globe,
From our L.A. suburb,
Would put me off the coast of Madagascar.
It's probably a lovely place,
But I wasn't up for the swim.
So I started at Beijing instead,
And on the other side of the earth
I found my starting point.

Buenos Aires
Would make a wonderful vacation spot.
I realize that was the best advice he ever gave me.


Chris Andrews said...

WHy are these common things for step dads to say? I got this too. I'd be lying if I told you that I knew hat an antipode was until I looked it up. You have a really wry sense of humor that permeates your work, this one in particular. I like how you see these things as legitimate ideas as a child. I also like the lemonade that you make out of these bits of asshole advice. Well played.