Friday, October 22, 2010


Pious to a fault
brave Abdiel
attended the meeting,
Satan's timeshare pitch,
and ventured a shot
at heroism.

His love was rewarded
by knowing eyes
and he rests
as a footnote
in celestial history.


Chris Andrews said...

The character Abdiel in Paradeise Lost has always fascinated me. I'd like to expand on this, but I am out of juice for tonight.

Brent Vogelman said...

Okay, so I must admit, I had to Google Abdiel to refresh my memory on him (some English major I am). This pretty much sums up his lot (although he's a traitor in my mind). The "timeshare" line is clever and the "footnote" line is an excellent choice considering the number of them in "Paradise Lost," the unofficial "celestial history." Well played. And, yes, I think you could expand on this a great deal. There's so much here to play with even more.