Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Pick Up Your T.V.

pick up your t.v.
it's blasting you with x-rays
mirror images of reality
filmed in a backroom factory

the crowds raged
a naked teen raved
a priest prayed
and they all said,
"it's only entertaining"

so pick up your t.v.
it's blasting you with x-rays
mirror images of yesterday
filmed in a living room

the team won
a bomb blasted
another man lambasted
and they all said,
"it's only entertaining"

so pick up your t.v.
it's blasting you with x-rays
mirror image wanna-bes
filmed from a circus stage

the room exploded
a quiet cry sounded
another day wasted
and they all said,
"it's only entertaining"

only entertaining.


Edward Yoo said...

There's something very visceral with this poem. The movement of ideas and images can be overwhelming, which seems ideal for the subject matter and how we all bombard ourselves with tv eye candy. The repetition of "it's only entertaining" also adds to the themes of this poem and how we get into that zombified cycle of tv slavery.

Chris Roberts said...

:) it's what i was going for here. originally this was meant to be a song, sort of a tribute to bad religon's "only entertainment" but i could never get a tune out of it.

then it just went through two-three revisions, and became more poem-like (poem-lite?).

it's actually the only poem on here that has seen any real revision... which is probably good and bad.