Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Limerick of Sir Ezra Pound

I cannot refrain from calling you sir,
Though I question your seat in literature,
Yes, you've earned my respect
With your great intellect,
But your work's axed when I'm editor.


Edward Yoo said...

Another old one. Just posting poems to maintain visibility here. Brent's reference to Eliot made me think of this poem. However, I confused Pound with Eliot: it was Pound who threw in all those references to other languages into his poems that I thought to be horribly elitist.

Brent Vogelman said...

Glad I could inspire you to revisit an older poem. Eliot also would use other languages throughout his poems, "The Wasteland" especially, which oozes elitism and I'm not too keen on it. I think that everybody should be able to read and understand a poem on its own terms rather than have Mr. Pound claim its greatness because "we" just don't understand.

Nice use of rhyme here especially with "literature" and "editor." I'm not to familiar with Pound's work but screw his anti-semitism, which is elitist in itself. I'd cut him too.

Chris Andrews said...

Ezra Pound can cram his gyres. I never thought that he was special and therefore, I agree with your assesment.

Eliot is my favorite poet, I don't feel that he is elitist, and I hate you all for thinking otherwise. Well, not really but still.